
Scientific Name – Berberis thunbergii

Description – Deciduous (looses leaves seasonally), spiny shrub. Usually grows 2ft – 8ft tall. Green or blue-green leaves. Leaves are small, oval shaped, and clustered. Flowers from mid spring to early summer. Flowers are a pale yellow color, and grow in drooping clusters. The fruit is a glossy, red to orange-red color. Mature during late summer and continue through the winter.

History – Originally from Japan and Eastern Asia. Brought over to America in the late 1800’s as an ornamental plant.

Use – Berries are edible. Used for culinary purposes. Sometimes made into jam. Its extract is used to flavor sodas and soft drinks. Also used for medicinal purposes.

Harm – Avoided by deer. Replacing native species. Raises pH of soil and affects soil nitrogen levels. A favorable environment for ticks due to high humidity of its dense foliage.